Maintenance of Kitchen Knives

Caring for Your New Knives

Maintaining the edge and sharpening the blade are crucial aspects of knife care. However, it is equally important to consider how you use your knives on a daily basis. The following instructions will help you properly care for and maintain your knives.

The choice of cutting surface significantly affects the sharpness of your knives. A good cutting board, such as one made of wood, will help maintain a sharp edge for a longer period. On the other hand, cutting boards made of tile, ceramic, marble, granite, or glass are not recommended as they can be very harsh on your knives.

okingjoy knives are designed to be used in a smooth slicing motion, rather than a forceful up-and-down "chopping" motion. The correct cutting motion involves pushing the knife forward and downward as you cut through the food and then pulling the knife back and upward to position it for the next cut. This motion is similar to cutting wood with a handsaw—forward and downward, then backward. The razor-sharp Japanese-inspired okingjoy blade makes this motion practically effortless.

When you first start using an okingjoy knife, take your time and appreciate the precision cutting ability of your new kitchen tool. As you gain experience, you will be able to work more quickly. Regardless of your experience level, always be cautious and pay attention to the position of your fingers on the knife.

Just like any long-term investment, it is important to take the best possible care of your knife to prolong its lifespan. okingjoy recommends handwashing your blades with gentle dish soap to protect your investment. Avoid using soaps with citrus extracts or bleach, as they can cause corrosion. Rinse the knives and immediately towel dry them. Allow the knives to air dry for a few minutes before returning them to storage. Never leave your knife submerged in soapy water in the sink. Extended periods of water exposure are harmful to metals and pose a risk when reaching into the sink.

Moisture left on the cutting edge can lead to micro-corrosion, resulting in small chips or missing pieces in the knife's edge. To prevent this, wash your knife immediately after use and thoroughly dry it with an absorbent cloth or towel. Pay extra attention to safely drying the sharp cutting edge of your okingjoy knives, keeping your fingers away from the edge.

After washing and drying your knives, it is recommended to store them in a stainless steel block, roll-up knife case, or in-drawer tray or sheath. Storing knives unsheathed in a drawer is not recommended, as it can be hazardous for both the blades and your fingers.


Honing and Sharpening

Honing and sharpening are essential for maximizing the lifespan of the blade. Regular honing is recommended, and knives that are heavily used can benefit from yearly sharpening. Weekly honing, while not necessary, helps maintain the razor-sharp edge and extends the time between sharpening.

Washing and Care Instructions

Although stainless steel is resistant to stains and rust, it is not impervious to water. We strongly advise handwashing and thoroughly drying the blade after each use. Corrosion can occur if food or moisture is left on the blade overnight. The Pakka wood handle, while strong, durable, and resistant to moisture and heat, is also not impervious to water. We recommend gently wiping the handle under running water with a cloth and immediately drying it with a towel, but avoid soaking or submerging it in water.

Your okingjoy knife set is a high-quality investment, and by taking proper precautions, you will enjoy many years of stress-free service. Remember not to use the knife on hard objects or surfaces such as tile, ceramic, marble, granite, or glass cutting boards.


Please remember to periodically re-sharpen the knife blade. If you are using a honing rod/steel, sharpening stone, or tungsten sharpener, make sure to maintain the correct blade angle (8-15 degrees depending on your knife) while sharpening. If you feel the knife snagging slightly, it may just need a little stropping or honing, rather than a full re-sharpening.